Indian Pucciniales: taxonomic outline with important descriptive notes.
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Date Uploaded:
2 November 2022
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The Boletaceae is the largest family of fleshy fungi in the Boletales. Despite the extensive history of work in the Boletaceae in North America, novel species and genera are continually being described. Multigene molecular phylogenetic analyses of five loci were combined with thorough morphological studies to investigate the taxonomy of several boletes from the southeastern USA. Based on our results, we describe four new species: Aureoboletus pseudoauriporus, Cyanoboletus bessettei, Hemileccinum floridanum, and Xerocomellus bolinii. We also propose three combinations to reflect the results of our molecular analyses: Cyanoboletus cyaneitinctus comb. nov., a bolete that is widespread across the eastern USA, C. cyaneitinctus f. reticulatus, and Lanmaoa sublurida, a rarely-documented bolete that is so far known only from Florida.