New host and distributional records for Camarosporidiella in Italy, Russia, and Ukraine
Version: 1,
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Date Uploaded:
3 November 2022
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Camarosporidiella specimens collected from woody plants in central Italy, eastern Ukraine, and southeastern Russia were identified based on morphology and multi-gene (LSU, SSU, ITS, and TEF) sequence analyses. Camarosporidiella caraganicola on Amorpha fruticosa, C. celtidis on Ulmus pumila, C. elaeagnicola on Cytisus ruthenicus are described with new host records and as new fungal records for Ukraine. Camarosporidiella moricola on Morus nigra is newly reported for Italy, and C. robiniicola on Robinia pseudoacacia is new for Ukraine. Camarosporidiella elaeagnicola on Elaeagnus angustifolia is re-described to facilitate identification. Notes on host distribution of Camarosporidiellaceae are also provided.